On-Demand Stream Library

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Latest Shows

HIRING STUPID PEOPLE Are there any reasons you might want to do that?


A REDDITOR WANTS TO KNOW IF HE'S AN ASSHOLE for refusing to give up his airline window seat to a crying child. Find out what Tom would do!


BEING TAKEN TO HR FOR NOT BENDING TO THE DEMANDS OF AN OFFICE ATTENTION WHORE What if you showed up at the office and just did your job? Many gals would hate that!


WHAT DOES 168 MEAN TO ME? A lot, it turns out!


TOM INTERVIEWS DAVID CROSBY IN 1991 The rock legend died recently. Here he is in studio with Tom 32 years ago!


TOM BRADY: WHAT NOW? At 45, Tom Brady doesn't look like the NFL player he used to be. Should he finally retire for real? And, is it our business?


IT'S 2023! HOW'S YOUR MONEY? Tom's is doing great. This will be a crazy year. Are you ready?


EPISODE NO. 500 Tom has some thoughts on the New Year.


HOW IMPORTANT IS TWITTER? All this conversation about who runs Twitter and who should be allowed to tweet and who shouldn't. Does it all really matter?

FLASH SALE! Get an entire case of Pedal to the Metal Syrah for less than the regular price of just 4 bottles RIGHT NOW! (Offer expires December 31, 2022!)


WHO THE FUCK IS BRITTNEY GRINER AND WHAT DID WE JUST DO? Is there any such thing as a "WNBA star"? Was trading a Russian prisoner for her a good idea?

