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WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER CONTRIBUTE TO CORPORATE CHARITIES There a reason this kid wants to "eat, eat, eat apples and bananas." And you shouldn't help him!

The salaries for Feeding America: are you feeding children or corporate executives?



IS ANYONE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING THEY DO ANYMORE? No cash bail if you're arrested. Addiction is just a "disease." No real punishment for thefts under $1,000. What the hell is going on?


DODGERS PITCHER ARRESTED A SECOND TIME FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 30 years ago, Your Professor was arrested and (falsely) accused of domestic violence. So, he has a take you won't expect on the Julio Urías arrest!

Dodgers ‘shocked’ and disappointed at latest Julio Urías incident


STILL ANOTHER BASTARD CHILD WHO THINKS HE DESERVES A PIECE OF THE PIE Meet "The Other Son," the 66-year-old who just found out that his real father died. Now, he wants a piece of the action!

‘He wanted nothing to do with me’: I discovered my biological father through Ancestry.com. Am I entitled to a share of his estate?


MORTGAGE RATES ARE NOW OVER SEVEN PERCENT Hopefully, you were paying attention when Tom told you to reduce your risks. What do we do now?

Buying a Home Is Getting Out of Reach. Mortgage Rates Are the Reason


HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT DONALD TRUMP & COMPANY'S 41-COUNT GEORGIA INDICTMENT? Unlike the phonies that populate talk radio (and many podcasts), Tom has been consistent on this topic since Day One. He has always believed that Trump is no more than a big-mouthed mobster and a small-time crook since Tom's days of living in New York City years ago. And what about his former radio colleagues who jumped right into the Trump soup eight years ago? And his former friends and acquaintances who got taken in?

The often startling numbers behind Trump’s indictment in Georgia


SHOULD HE PAY THE LION'S SHARE OF HER PARENTS' ASSISTED LIVING COSTS? Even though she is one of 5 siblings, this woman wants her husband to pay the most of anyone!

AITA for telling my wife we’re not going to pay our fair share for her parents' assisted living?



I'm 25 and don't want kids so my husband got the snip now people are furious and calling us selfish


ADULT MEN WHO GO TO SEE BARBIE especially the ones wearing matching pink attire with their dates: What do you think about that?

Woman ditches date after man refuses to wear pink to see Barbie movie

Proud dad praised for wearing Barbie tutu to match daughter's outfit for movie

